rbd sitio oficial rbd sitio oficial
RBD ended in 2009.
rbd stands for ReBelDe
RBD = Rebelde, Rebels
Tu amor - RBD song - was created on 2006-09-22.
Live in Rio - RBD DVD - was created on 2006-10-08.
The studio album Nuestro Amor by RBD was released on 22 September, 2005. It was RBD's second studio album and hugely successful in their native Mexico.
On mekico
Tour Generación RBD En Vivo was created on 2005-07-19.
RBD is a small musical pop group composed of mainly members of the Mexican ethnicity. Their album, RBD Rebelde, consists of mostly pop and rock music, with strong Latin-American influences.
RBD is a mexican pop group, and Letras translates from Mexican Spanish to English as "Letters". Lyrics to songs in Mexican Spanish are referred to as Letras though, so the term simply translates to, "RBD Lyrics".