Rob schneider
He would probably play one of jack's co-worker naked John and look similar to the way he looked in Grown Ups but unfortunately rob Schneider wasn't in Jack and Jill
The Actor, Rob Schneider was born on October 31, 1963. Mr. Schneider is 49 years of age and he is an actor, director, and comedian. Some of the most recent films he has been in is: Grown Ups, Jack and Jill, etc.
In the movie "Jack and Jill," Al Pacino played a fictionalized version of himself who becomes infatuated with Jill, the twin sister of the main character Jack. Alan is not a character in this film.
Rob Schneider IS a carrot!
Rob Schneider was born on October 31, 1963.
Rob Schneider was born on October 31, 1963.
Actor Rob Schneider is married to Patricia Azarcoya Arce.
who actually wants to watch rob schneider do stand up?
No he is alive.