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Foxy Brown is suffering from severe hearing problems.

"I started breaking down in tears and screaming and I couldn't even hear myself scream," the femcee told People Magazine. Foxy is apparently going to stop touring and work in order to face surgery for these recent problems. Foxy won't say what the cause for the hearing loss is, but says she will rhyme again.

The problems date back to May 23 when she says she couldn't hear a sound. " I ran outside to my truck and honked the horn. Nothing. I ran back inside and dialed a number on the phone. Nothing. Then I started breaking down in tears and screaming and I couldn't even hear myself scream. That's when I knew there was a problem." After seeing Foxy, Dr. Anil Lalwanistated, "Her case is severe." Foxy suffers from sudden and severe sensorineural hearing loss. Although not too many people have this, (only 1 in 10,000) it is known that the condition is mainly caused by viral infection. According to reports, the rapper made the condition worsen after trying to hide the hearing loss in hopes that medication could help restore everything. Foxy also added that she had been deaf for four months without speaking out. The problems have also hurt her recording sessions. According to Foxy, Jay-Z said her new stuff was "ridiculously loud" and that it didn't sound "normal." After others in the studio claimed "This is crazy loud," Foxy asked them to turn it up. However, they couldn't turn it up any louder. Through the turmoil, Foxy remains optimistic. She is prepping a new album and hopes to be fine after surgery. "I know God is working on me," she says. "I'm on a personal journey. I believe God wants to be the only voice I hear right now. I know I will be all right."

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