He has as seven brothers and three sister
Roc's eyes are a really pretty brown color
Here Roc Royal can only give you a honest answer.
Roc Royal is from Los Angeles, California.
You mean roc royal from mindless behavior (lol there could be a different roc royal out there somewhere!) lol but seriously if u mean roc royal from mindless behavior heres what i think: Considering that roc royal is only like 13 or 14 you are probably 10 or 11. I really doutb ur even aloud to have a boyfriend yet and roc royal already has a girlfriend. and even if he didnt i still don't think he would date someone that young at the time. maybe when u get older it would be okay but 10 and 13 or 11 and 14? seems wrong. but like 20 23 (lol thts quite a while away) seems okay. if u DONT mean roc royal from mindless behavior idk wat to tell ya cuz idk who ur talkin bout. but i hope i helped! :)
Princeton, RayRay, Roc Royal are from LA and Prodige is from Philly
everyone except ray ray or roc royal my name is ariana campbell i like prodige
Roc royal has 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Big family
yes he is
They are all 14.
actually ray ray and roc royal are brothers
no because they are sisters and brothers
No! Like she really could have a chance with Roc Royal.
Hay roc royal i really really want to meet u or come to one of your concerts but i can`t