Olga Grey was born on November 10, 1896 and died on April 25, 1973. Olga Grey would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 118 years old today.
John Reger now works for KSBY in San Luis Obispo.
Iván Marino Ospina died on 1985-08-28.
Thru a source at KION, she left for another anchor news anchor job in Southern California. Probably a good thing, since she sued the city of Pacific Grove and another resident. She got an unknown amount from the city and $80,000 from the resident.
She now works for KTLA in Los Angeles
Olga Grey was born on November 10, 1896 and died on April 25, 1973. Olga Grey would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 118 years old today.
John Reger now works for KSBY in San Luis Obispo.
Annie Ospina's birth name is Ana-Maria Ospina.
Germán Ospina was born in 1972.
Nadín Ospina was born in 1960.
David Ospina was born on 1988-08-31.
Santander Ospina was born on 1974-01-28.
Ospina Coffee Company was created in 1835.
Jorge Ivan Ospina was born in 1965.
Hernando Calvo Ospina was born in 1961.