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I think it really just depends on what song you're talking about and how you view them as a band. Personally, I'm a Christian and the line from Immaculate Misconception that goes, "I don't care if this offends you or your worthless God" always rubs me the wrong way. There's another song on the album Creatures that I don't know the title of at the moment but there's a line that goes, "I am the devil and I'm telling you to kill her." Which rubs me the wrong way just as much as the other line does so I'm not too fond those songs.

On the other hand, most of their lyrics are influenced by love and heartache, both of which we all experience as humans and I don't think that's so bad. There is a lot of anger in their music which isn't healthy in my opinion but again, it is a human feeling. Even God himself felt anger while he was on earth.

Music aside, I do think they're influential in the sense that half of the band is straight edge. I think it's amazing that they can potentially influence kids to stay away from alcohol and drugs by their own actions. Plus, as far as I see, they seem like good guys who treat others the way they want to be treated.

Again, it just depends on how you analyze their lyrics/over all message.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The last answer is incorrect. Motionless in White is almost certainly not a Christian band. Look at the lyrics for "Immaculate Misconception":

"I am who I am, this is what we are, I don't care if this offends you, or your worthless god"

Obviously not very Christian. Plus they say the word f*ck 8 times in that song as well as having lyrics:

"Put your teeth to the curb, cuz right now I'm gonna stomp your f*cking face in

I hope you drown in all the c*m you f*cking swallow, to get yourself to the top"

If they're Christian they need to work on it a little.

wow dude im christain and as a christian u can do all the stuff in a band that u want to u jusst cant rape or kiss and that stuff u can cuss in a band u can say f*ck all u want. look at Bring Me The Horizon there christain.

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