Michael Keaton married to Caroline McWilliams from 1982 to 1990
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951
No, Michael Keaton is not single.
Michael Keaton went to Kent State University
Although Diane Keaton's birth name is Diane Hall, "Keaton" is her mother's maiden name. Michael Keaton's birth name is Michael John Douglas, and his mother's maiden name is not "Keaton," nor did he take it. So, no.
Michael Keaton only starred in Batman and Batman Returns.
Michael Keaton married to Caroline McWilliams from 1982 to 1990
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951
Michael Keaton is a/an Actor
No, Michael Keaton is not single.
Josh Keaton.
Josh Keaton.
Diane keaton
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951.
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951
Michael Keaton was born on September 5, 1951.
Alex P. Keaton- Michael J FoxMallory Keaton- Justine BatemanJennifer Keaton- Tina Yothers
Michael Keaton went to Kent State University