Yes, it is based on a true story.
Yes it was based on a true story
No, it is not based on a true story.
No its not based on a true story
Yes it is based on a true story
The duration of Maximum Overdrive is 1.62 hours.
Maximum Overdrive was created on 1986-07-25.
Maximum Overdrive (1986), based on the Stephen King short story "Trucks"
no but i wish it were true that bird kids are real
Maximum Overdrive, released in 1986, was filmed in two different locations. The locations are Ontario, Canada, and Wilmington, North Carolina, in the USA.
Naturally Sadie - 2005 Maximum Overdrive 2-4 was released on: USA: 23 April 2006
The Stephen King movie where electronics come to life is called "Maximum Overdrive." It is a 1986 film based on King's short story "Trucks," where machines and electronics gain sentience and turn against humanity.
You might be thinking of the movie, Maximum Overdrive.
True Spin - 2004 Bachman Turner Overdrive was released on: USA: 7 June 2004
Maximum Overdrive (1986) is one such movie. It is based on Stephen King's short story Trucks, from the book Night Shift.
Maximum Overdrive?
"Maximum Overdrive" by Stephen King has around 336 pages in a standard paperback edition.