They were friend for nine years, best friend. But not anymore. There's a whole story attached to that.
On twiiter they made up, they kept saying how much they loved each other as brothers . So yeah there friends :)
Answer One:
No they don't like each other. Max says that the band never worked out that good because Ronnie never took responsibility for his own actions and that brought the whole band down.
Answer Two:
Actually on Twitter they were saying how sorry they were to each other and that they love each other as a brother. Max even said in an interview he did with Throne buzz that he was really glad to see Ronnie and that there was allot of apologizing to each other face to face.
Ronnie Radke and Max Green had been best friends for years. They created a band together 'escape the fate' coming from there teenage years where they believed their fate would be living on the streets but they escaped it. My chemical romance had judged them on a local radio station earning them a deal with Epitaph Records. They were best friends, nothing could change that. Until one night. Max's ex-girlfriend was harassing him on myspace and being the loyal friend Ronnie was he had said something back to her, she had not liked it and neither did her boyfriend so he challanged Max to a fight. Since Max was like Ronnie's older brother he had decided to go to the fight instead. Some kid had died at the fight, Ronnie DID NOT pull the trigger but was the one that ended up going to Jail. As soon as Max had found out Ronnie would be going to Jail, he had kicked Ronnie out of the band and replaced him with lead vocalist Craige Mabbit. Eventually in prison Max was meant to go visit Ronnie, but never showed, Max had gone behind Ronnie's back and spoken to the victoms mother. Max literally sat in the courtroom giggling away as Ronnie got handcuffed and sent away. Let's not forget Max was the one that got Ronnie hooked on drugs from the begining. There friendship slowely died as it became nothing to neither of them. In later terms Ronnie was realeased from Jail and began his new band 'Falling in reverse' with a clean slate. Drug free. Sobar. In recent times, Valentines Day 2013 Ronnie tweeted Max '@max_the_ripper hey man i hope your ok i'm still here for you' after Max had fainted at one of his recent Etf concerts. Max had responded that day with a thank you ice-breaker '@REDRUMRONNIE Hey thanks man, that was nice. Just thought of something way old... "Eat it! (grabs gun) No you eat it! Aww shit" Remember that?' Ronnie concluded the day by tweeting 'There comes a time in everyone's life to forgive and live in the present instead of the past'. I think it's safe to say no tension between Etf and Fir have eased a little!
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Yes Ronnie is very nice, I was friends with Ronnie before he went to prison (and still am, we just aren't as close anymore.) Ronnie is a true friend no matter what people may say about him, he is a genuine person and is, in NO way, anything that Max says that he is. He is a great guy with a good heart, he was just "in the wrong place at the wrong time."
No, he doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs anymore. He became completely sober when he was released from prison (December 2010)
Yes Ronnie Left But he Came Back after a month or so. RONNIE IS BACK YAY!! On September 12, 2006, Escape the fate posted this comment on their MySpace " As of Today Ronnie Radke is officially no longer a member of Escape the Fate. We feel that in order for the band to move forward, the only possible way, to be without him. The reasons as to why are very personal. Just know that we still love him and we wish him all the best of luck in the future." But later, on the 6th of November the band released a new blog on MySpace stating that Radke was back in the band. Radke also posted a blog on his MySpace explaining his absence and describing his new love for life. Now official Ronnie radke is no longer part of escape the fate. He is in jail right now for jumping probation. Ex Singer from Blessthefall took over as singer. Craig Mabbitt would be his name anyone to say he isn't clearly hasn't followed anything in the last few months and probably should start researching it all. Hmm I havent known about the band Escape the Fate long but I have talked to plenty of people and did my research. Yes but that was true back then but not now.
Greenwich, Connecticut. Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, SS men adore thee! still true.
Current membersRonnie Radke - Lead vocals, keyboards (since 2008)Jacky Vincent - Lead guitar, backing vocals (since 2009)Derek Jones - Rhythm guitar, backing vocals (since 2010)Ryan Seaman - Drum's (since 2011)Touring MembersRonnie Ficarro - Bass (since 2012) [ IN I AM GHOSTFormer MembersNason Schoeffler - Bass guitarist, Backing vocals (2008-2011) [now in memyselfalive]Gilbert Catalano - Rhythm guitarist (2008-2009) [ now in We Strike At Dawn]Anthony Avila - Lead guitarist (2008-2009) [ Was in "the company" till they ended now just jamming with friends]Nick Rich - Drums (2008-2009) [ persuing solo drum carerr, former memyselfalive]Oskar Garcia - Drums (2009-2010)Scott Gee - Drums (since 2010) [ still in lovehatehero]Mika Horiuchi - bass guitar, backing vocals (2011-2012)for more info here is a website
no max green is still the base player
yes he still is
Ronnie Radke is a better singer than Craig Mabitt. I love Craig 2 but Ronnie is still better
Dying is your latest fashion, it was when Ronnie Radke was still in the band.
Nahhh. It's all Craig now!
Randy and Chase Radke. Chase used to be mean but he's okay now. Randy goes by his middle name, "Mike" and he's EVIL.
Yes, they've been together since the beginning of September, 2011.
He is no longer with Emily Ellis, he is dating a women named Sally watts.
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Yes Ronnie is very nice, I was friends with Ronnie before he went to prison (and still am, we just aren't as close anymore.) Ronnie is a true friend no matter what people may say about him, he is a genuine person and is, in NO way, anything that Max says that he is. He is a great guy with a good heart, he was just "in the wrong place at the wrong time."
No, he doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs anymore. He became completely sober when he was released from prison (December 2010)
Yes Craig Mabbit still plays for Escape the fate, He is replacing their old singer Ronnie Radke who is in Jail for Murder and Drug charges
Hell Yeah! but Ronnie is making is own name in a new band, good for him. Peace Yeah Max Green is still in "ETF" But Ronnie isn't :(