No, Mark Wahlberg is not single.
Yes, Mark Wahlberg is the younger brother of Donnie Wahlberg.
Yes, Donny Wahlberg married to Kim Fey in 1999 Yes, Donny Wahlberg married to Jenny McCarthy in 2014
Donnie Wahlberg's birthday is August 17, 1969, and Mark Wahlberg's is June 5, 1971.
Mark Wahlberg is 46 years old (birthdate: June 5, 1971).
Mark Wahlberg married to Rhea Durham in August 1, 2009
Mark Wahlberg married to Rhea Durham in August 1, 2009
Although Mark Wahlberg has not publicly declared his sexual orientation, one can assume he is heterosexual. He married Rhea Durham in 2009 and they have four children.
No, Mark Wahlberg is not single.
Donnie Wahlberg married to Kim Fey in 1999 Donnie Wahlberg married to Jenny McCarthy in 2014
Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg
Yes, Mark Wahlberg has 4 kids.
Donnie Wahlberg married to Kim Fey in 1999 Donnie Wahlberg married to Jenny McCarthy in 2014
Mark Wahlberg was born on June 5, 1971
Mark Wahlberg was born on June 5, 1971.
Yes, Mark Wahlberg is the younger brother of Donnie Wahlberg.
Yes, Donny Wahlberg married to Kim Fey in 1999 Yes, Donny Wahlberg married to Jenny McCarthy in 2014