He's still in jail.
Tracy Chapman is 53 years old (birthdate: March 30, 1964).
No, Duane Lee Chapman Jr is still alive. He is just no longer featured on the the Bounty Hunter show and has also closed his Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Yeah just meet him at the sportsman show in Harrisburg.
No, he passed away a few years ago from a drug overdose
Mark David Chapman is still alive. He is 69 years old now, and he is still serving his time in prison in New York.
NO mark david Chapman is 55 now. and he will be never get out of PRISION IN CASE HE DOES IT AGAIN SO YOU ARE SAFE
Davina chapman
yes mark chapmen is still alive sadly
The killer of John Lennon was born May 19, 1955 and remains imprisoned. Although he has served the minimum of 20 years since his 1981 conviction, he has been denied parole 9 times between 2001 and 2015.
Nascar driver Mark Martin is still alive.
He's still in jail.
Yes.She died in an accident on June 13,2010
Mark McGwire is still alive in 2010.
Yes He is........
Mark Chapman was born on April 4, 1971.