Marty Schottenheimer was born on September 23, 1943.
Marge Ostroushko was born in 1951.
Marge Green was created in 1989.
Marge's last name is Simpson, nee Bouvier.
Marge Schott was the owner of the Cincinnatti Reds. No relation.
Marty Schottenheimer was born on September 23, 1943.
Marty Schottenheimer was born on September 23, 1943.
Marty Schottenheimer went to college at the University of Pittsburgh.
Marty Schottenheimer
The late owner of the Cincinnati Reds.
Mike Riley
Marty Schottenheimer did not coach an NFL team in the 2007 season.
Marty Schottenheimer
Marty Schottenheimer.
Ben Roethlisberger.
After the 1998 season when the Chiefs finished 7-9 Schottenheimer came under fire for his "Marty Ball" coaching stlye and lack of playoff success. Also, there were allegations of Schottenheimer engaging in an inapporpriate realtionship with a younger woman and his relationship with GM Carl Peterson started to falter. With the fans starting to turn on him, Marty resigned as head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs.