Marcel Faber's birth name is Perez, Fernandez.
Brandon Marcel Gertz goes by Brandon Marcel.
Marcel Chagnon's birth name is Marcel Francois Chagnon.
Marcel Cerdan is 5' 7".
Marcel Lucht is 160 cm.
The duration of Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is 180.0 seconds.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On was created on 2010-08-16.
The cast of Marcel the Shell with Shoes On - 2010 includes: Jenny Slate as Marcel
AM Northwest - 1976 Jenny Slate and Dean Fleisher-Camp on Marcel the Shell was released on: USA: 11 November 2011
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On - 2010 was released on: USA: 10 November 2010 (AFI Film Festival) USA: 15 October 2011 (New Hampshire Film Festival)
The boy has a light shell and the girl has a dark shell
Boy: Longer Claws and the little spots on the bottom of their shell has less spots and more space,Oval shell,bottom of shell kinda caves in the center, Girl:rounder shell than the boy,bottom of shell is smooth and flat,more spots at the bottom of her shell than the boy
you can tell by it shell
male snail
A boy has white stripes on his shell and a girl has brown stripes on hers.
White stripes on a shell means it's a boy and if it is a girl it has brown stripes.