Lukas Blazek was the voice of Albert in Bornenes Verden. There is not much public information regarding his personal life of whether or not he is married.
Lukas Festa's birth name is Lukas Osladil.
Lukas Moodysson's birth name is Karl Frederik Lukas Moodysson.
Lukas Zpira was born in 1966.
Lukas Taglieber goes by Luki.
Because his parents said so. Why not?
Jordan Blazak is 5' 9".
Wifey's real name is Sandra Otterson. She is a former adult film actress and is known for her website "Wifey's World" where she shared explicit content with her husband.
Columbus was married in 1479. His wife, Dona Felipa, died after his son was born.
Lukas Hassel goes by Lukas.
Lukas Karlsch is 182 cm.
Lukas Foss's birth name is Lukas Fuchs.
Lukas Festa's birth name is Lukas Osladil.
Lukas Karlsch's birth name is Lukas Fabio Karlsch.
Lukas Resetarits's birth name is Erich Lukas Resetarits.
Lukas Nelson's birth name is Lukas Autry Nelson.
Lukas Heller's birth name is Lukas Herman Heller.
Lukas is 'rukasu' in Japanese, written: ルカス