Yes she is called Kelsie Campbell and she is so pretty! She has twitter and facebook and i think her and lucien are going to live a long happy life together :)
Lucien Dulfan was born on 1942-02-14.
Lucien Charbonnier died on August 13, 1985, in Brussels, Belgium.
Lucien Aimar is 70 years old (birthdate: April 28, 1941).
Charles Lucien Lambert died in 1896.
Lucien Cazalis was born on July 3, 1878, in Paris, France.
Lucien Laviscount's birth name is Lucien Leon Laviscount.
Lucien Laviscount goes by Lucien.
Lucien Laviscount is 25 years old (birthdate June 9, 1992).
lucien laviscount appeared on coronation street and also on waterloo road, he's extremly hot ;) x'
His name is Lucien Laviscount.
Lucien Laviscount
Lucien Laviscount
Lucien Laviscount
he's 6'1 and extremely gorgeous (:
lucien laviscount is a very hot actor in coronation street and is aged at 16 years old
Lucien Laviscount
coney green drive number 102