As of 19 December 2015, Tina Louise is still alive.
stainless steel, bronze and marble (for the eggs)
Derek Bourgeois's birth name is Derek David Bourgeois.
Still alive, still not funny
yes she is still alive.
Louise Bourgeois was born on December 25, 1911.
Louise Bourgeois Boursier died in 1636.
Louise Bourgeois Boursier was born in 1563.
Louise Bourgeois was born on December 25, 1911.
Louise Bourgeois died on May 31, 2010 at the age of 98.
Louise Bourgeois was born on December 25, 1911 and died on May 31, 2010. Louise Bourgeois would have been 98 years old at the time of death or 103 years old today.
As of 19 December 2015, Tina Louise is still alive.
Louise Bourgeois
I think so. Neil Armstrong is still alive.
u tell me
As of March 2012, they are both still living.
No, I don't think so, on Wikipedia it doesn't say so.