Although Sakura became strong under Tsunades outh but she is yet still too week to beat a jounin such as Kurenai, as we can see Sakuras weepoints are the illusionist ninjas, and Kurenai is one of them, so no, Sakura is not stronger than Kureai Yuhi.
Temari. Ino and Shikamaru have more of a brother-sister relationship then a romantic one. Plus Temari is always flirting with Shikamaru. In one episode Shikamaru blushed at Temari (forgot which episode. I always thought it was kiba and temari since they have real picutures of them on photobucket (not all of them are real though). but...I wish u knew d number. Ino. shikamaru and ino are perfect together, they have been friends longer and they know each other well. Their emotions with each other will (hopefully) develope later in the manga/ Naruto episodes .Temari is ok as well, it can be a ShikaTema.
Sakura and Ino was (in part1) about ecual in strength, but in Shippuden, Sakura is stronger than Ino. Ino's total stat is 21 and Sakura's stat is 26. Sakura gained enough strength and beauty thanks to Tsunade. Jiraiya said that Tsunade did a good job in making a younger Tsunade and Kakashi even said Sakura can surpass tsunade.
tsunade. in my opinion its definetly Hinata
Sakura had a desire to become stronger, as she was tired of relying on Naruto. Tsunade agreed to train her.
no choiji dont like sakura. this is the list for i like you: first sakura: rock lee naruto sasuke idate and i think sai but me not sure ino: shikamaru choiji sai and no not deidara he dont know ino but they will make a good couple hinata: kiba naruto and that is all temari: ????? tenten: mayb neji but me not sure again sasuke:all the girl but hinata shikamaru:ino temari choiji:?????? but he loves food naruto: sakura a little hinata rock lee: tenten a little and to be conutine meh tired of typing
Temari. Ino and Shikamaru have more of a brother-sister relationship then a romantic one. Plus Temari is always flirting with Shikamaru. In one episode Shikamaru blushed at Temari (forgot which episode. I always thought it was kiba and temari since they have real picutures of them on photobucket (not all of them are real though). but...I wish u knew d number. Ino. shikamaru and ino are perfect together, they have been friends longer and they know each other well. Their emotions with each other will (hopefully) develope later in the manga/ Naruto episodes .Temari is ok as well, it can be a ShikaTema.
Strengthwise... Sakura but all-around, Kisame is way stronger than her
the hottest guy to me is only GAARA. girl SAKURA and TEMARI. hay don't you think GAARA need a girlfriend or something? I would say guys: sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru Girls: Temari, Ino, Sakura
well to me not really...but I say that sakura,hinata,tenten,and temari are all prettier than her.
Only as friends. Temari is hinted as his future love interest.
He didn't. Sakura is actually one of the weakest characters in the whole series.
well to be honest I think sakura is physically stronger but hinata is mentally stronger.
Yes she is.
=I like Temari and Sakura but I have to say........ SAKURA IS HOTTER!!XD==By: Sasuke X Sakura=
In Japan the most popular girls are1.) Sakura 2.) Temari 3.) Hinata 4.) Ino 5.) Tenten& in America the line is1.) Sakura 2.) Ino 3.) Hinata 4.) Temari 5.) TentenBut Sakura wins all around, ranked as the strongest girl with the most handy skills. Sakura is ranked as #1, crushing Inoits hinata then tamari then tenten then ino then hinata, sakura just a total weakling
at first both sakura and ino are at the same level but then sakura becomes stronger by becoming a health ninja