Yes the kostha's are rajpoot. koshta = kush + tha, the kush denotes the son of Raja Ram and tha denotes the thakur. So the kostha are kushwanshi rajpoots.
it is a caste of jatt clan
yes u can find large number of mughal rajpoot
Rajpoot is a caste in India and Pakistan. which means son of lords.
mr. B.S. Rajpoot
Sikarwar Rajput
kshatriya pawar are marathas
Lohan Rajpoot (See Wikipedia) a tribe decendedf rom an eponym of Panwar Rajpoot origin, belonging to Vikramjit's family, and found in Sialkot and Lahore.
Sushmita Sen belongs to a Bengali Baidya family.
Dheer Rajpoot From Great India