Yes, That's their father's name, he also was in Earth, Wind and Fire.
Kiki Kogelnik died in 1997.
Joel Kiki was born on 1985-12-03.
Kiki Dee was born on March 6, 1947.
Kiki Cordalis was born on September 14, 1973, in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany.
Kiki Musampa is 39 years old (birthdate: July 20, 1977).
Yes Tiffany Evans little sister is 1 day older than Madison Pettis because Kiki evans (Tiffany Evans little sister)was born July 21 1998. And if Selena Gomez was born in the year 1998 Kiki Evans would be 1 day older than her too. Kiki's birthday is before both Selena Gomez and Madison Pettis.
A fox named Kiki
The library was so named in memorium to slain DEA Agent, former Calexico resident, Enrique"kiki" Camarena.
No, I don't think so.
The cast of Cloud Gazing - 2009 includes: Al Burgo as The Angel Andrew Friedberg as Kiki Jones Tiffany Pulvino as Lala
Aqila Kiki goes by Kiki.
Kiki Mannear goes by Kiki Mannear.
Kiki Kogelnik died in 1997.
Kiki Courtidis's birth name is Kiki Angelina Courtidis.
According to KicsterAsh, Melty94 and Kiki-Kit on deviantART, Perry meets Kiki when Phineas, Ferb and their friends go to college. Though Isabella, Buford, Baljeet and their other friends are not at the same college, Emily Kinney (created by Melty94,) has a pet fox named Kiki. (created by Kiki-Kit) Though two OCs join Phineas and Ferb's adventures, Ash and Paul, Ash owns Sunny, a yellow canary, who is assigned with Perry (and later on, Kiki,) to fight Doof. Hope that helped!
UK singer Kiki Dee is 71 years old (born Pauline Mathews, March 6, 1947).
Kiki Dee is an English singer. Her real name is Pauline Matthews.She is most famous for her duet with Elton John, which was named "Don't Go Breaking My Heart". It went to Number 1 in UK and US charts.