This is Kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's real facebook account and real facebook page and the first kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's first FB account . so kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's real facebook page is your free to visit her or talk to her. good day friends
Kathryn Bernardo's Bf Kristofer Dangculos
It is Kathryn Bernardo,she is in shoutout now before she was in the going bulilit.
her real last name is Hudson. Kathryn Elizabeth Hudson.
Josh Hutcherson is the actor of Peeta is real life. As of 2012, he is alive and well.
This is Kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's real facebook account and real facebook page and the first kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's first FB account . so kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's real facebook page is your free to visit her or talk to her. good day friends
i still don't know if he does have a crush on kathryn bernardo in real life, but in mara clara, yes he does have crush on mara david/del valle
i know she is 14 years old now..♥♥
Kathryn Bernardo's Bf Kristofer Dangculos
Actually Ate Kath has no FB account but I have my page about Kathniel(kathryn & Daniel)
Kathryn Chandria Manuel Bernardo :)
we cant say it because they are all Different! Real Kathryn Bernardo
It is Kathryn Bernardo,she is in shoutout now before she was in the going bulilit.
yes she does but she doesn't know it!!! her perfect guy is Albie Casino. they lyk each other but they just don't know it. not only in acting but rumour has it. fate will find a way of putting them 2gether
Luzviminda Bernardo