No, the two women are not related. Judith's last name is Ripka, while Kelly's last name is Ripa.
Yes, Judith Ripka is Jewish.
Judith Ripka's husband, Ronald Berk, is the father of her children.
You can find a biography on Judith Ripka on websites such as Wikipedia,, or the official Judith Ripka website. Additionally, you can check out books about her life and work available in libraries or online bookstores.
Judith Ripka stores sell a range of jewelry. The company states it sells elegant jewelry for women, such as diamonds, gemstones and pearls. The headquarters are in New York.
Hubert Ripka died in 1958.
Hubert Ripka was born in 1895.
Lance Ripka is 6' 1".
Lance Ripka was born on January 4, 1982, in State College, Pennsylvania, USA.
The cast of Animalz - 2010 includes: Ken Bolden David Crawford Joel Ripka
The cast of Porcukor - 2010 includes: Kata Farkas as Niece Eszter Franciska Ripka as Custumer Houssam Shahine as Australian cop Ditta Veres as Dark girl