Tom Welling is alive
Tom Welling has 2 children
Jamie Lynn Spears was 16 when she got pregnant.
No, Tom Welling was never on Days of Our Lives.
Mark Welling is Tom Welling's younger brother. He started a career in acting and he's done 2 unreleased movies: "Circling Serita" and "Wrestling".
Jamie Welling's birth name is Jamie C Welling.
Tom Welling married to Jamie White from 2002 to 2015 Tom Welling married to Jessica Rose Lee in 2019
Tom Welling was married to Jamie White. They finalized their divorce in 2013 after spending eleven years together married.
Of course not!Tom Welling is married to Jamie White. well amie welling now HES NOT GAY
Tom welling's wife (the star of Smallville)
Yes, with Jamie White
Tom Welling married to Jamie White from 2002 to 2015 Tom Welling married to Jessica Rose Lee in 2019
Yes, Tom Welling has 2 kids.
Tom Welling mainly lives in Vancouver, Canada with his wife Jamie.. He has house elsewhere in Los Angeles, California and Florida.
No. He's married to model Jamie White since 2002, but they don't have kids.
romeo miller did not get jamie Lynn pregnant
Tom Welling married to Jamie White from 2002 to 2015 Yes, Tom Welling married to Jessica Rose Lee in 2019