Well, darling, if something is the bane of your existence, it's causing you misery or distress. If it's vain, it's excessively proud or concerned about one's appearance. So, if you're asking whether being vain is the bane of your existence, I'd say it depends on your priorities. But hey, as long as you're fabulous, who cares?
A bane of one's existence is a person or thing which causes a significant problem to an individual.
Cad Bane was created in 2008.
fashion shows a boon or a bane
Bane is much stronger than Hulk But the Venom tubes on Bane's back would be a huge weakness to Bane because if Hulk were to knock these off his back it would release all the venom in his body. But if Bane were to pin down the Hulk, Bane would easily be able to finish Hulk off. So it depends what happens in the fight. Hulk. Bane got his bum handed to him by superman dressed up as batman.
Failure is the bane of my existence.-OR-Drinking was the bane of his existence.
A bane of one's existence is a person or thing which causes a significant problem to an individual.
it is the bane of my existence
Murders, crimes, assaults, and theft was the bane of the priest's existence.
Bane of Arthropods will kill Spiders, and Cave Spiders fasyer than any other Enchantment!
Pain, disdain, strain, bane, chain, vain, insane, mundane Use your brain.
he called him "bane of my existence" which basically means something that makes your life alot harder or something that you hate
Pain, main, brain, cane, Dane, gain, Jane, lane, mane, inane, plain, rain, Spain, stain, slain, vain, vein,bane gain lane mane pain rain sane vain
'Curse' is a synonym for bane.
feign, disdain, cane, rain, lane, Shane, Cain, mane, main, lain, inane, insane, pain, sane, bane, gain, obtain, Zane, vain, vein, vane, wane, and that is about it :)
This is all i can think of..................................cain, insane, contain, lame....i think? also: bane, cane, deign, feign, gain, mane, main, inane, pain, sane, rain, tain, vein, vain, wane...