He lives in plantation palms No He doesn't!! His address is 2326 CAMP INDIANHEAD RD LAND O LAKES FL 34639-5287 Bu t I wouldn't try knocking on his door!!
I heard his name was John Williams (might or might not be true). But he lives in Los Angeles, California.
She lives with Miley, In Los Angeles, CA. Miley said 2 Ryan seacrest on the radio that Brandi lives in Tennessee lol, but who knows?! *Yes that's true. She lives in Tennessee but I don't think she's living with Miley..I'll have to check with her. We are friends :D.* In person...
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love..... Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge... Black Parade... Danger Days: True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys
No, he actually lives in Big Rapids, MI. He teaches dance at Rhythmic Sky Dance Studio. it was true til he moved again he quit at rythmic sky he was my teacher
No, that's not true.
its not true they were acting ........
I'm not sure,I don't think so,but it might be true.
Yes. They kissed in iSaved Your Life.
The rumors could not be substantiated. Unless they are, it is safe to assume that no, he does not have HIV or AIDS.
Yes that is true that the bigger the animal the longer it lives.
According to http://www.whosdatedwho.com/celebrities/people/dating/miranda-cosgrove.htm are in a relationship together. So yes, it's true.
Yes, Robert appears in this 1989 film. He played the role of Roger Baron.