I was thinking the same thing..
Unfortunately there's nothing about it.
She's gifted definitely in every way.
its like every guys fantasy body
and every girls dream body.
It's possible, but you could also be straight and like them.
You sould like a daredevil..., and yes i do belive that it is possible to make those working gliders, and I'm guessing that you talking about Aerrow's pair.
a football head with a body
Make some body like batista then you like batista!!!lol stupist thing dress like him and look nlike him and you will be like him.... and his muscles
Easy you can not fight like Rock Lee. If it is possible you have to be REALLY good at fighting to do anything Lee knows how to do.
no she doesnt have kids... but to get a body like that or resemble it is based on your genes and your work ethic in the gym... there has been alot of allegations that her body is fake :?
respectful sweet romantic beautiful funny love his company great personility
Its not possible.
May be
There are many possible ways to divide the body of a goat up. You could divide the body up like a horse.
No, it's a work of fiction.
No, it is not physically possible to combine a human body and a horse body to create a centaur-like being. The anatomy and genetic makeup of humans and horses are too different for such a combination to occur naturally.
no it is not possible you may feel like all of your muscles are relaxed but they can not all be relaxed
You cannot have feelings or emotions towards a body part like an elbow. However, you can appreciate its functionality and the role it plays in your body's movement and dexterity.
Yes, it is possible. Sometimes pills just won't dissolve in the body, so most of it can come out nearly like it was when it went into the body.
no not really, unless hes bi
Tyler Medeiros has been famous since he was in grade 8, well... he wasn't famous quite yet but he got a signed for singing, this was because 2 of his cousins are famous, Shawn Desman ( electric, night like this) and Danny Fernandez (fantasy, take me away)so he has been (famous) for about 2 or 3 years :)