NO! She is still very much alive, extremely beautiful and can still sing and perform wonderfully!
Stephanie Mills is 60 years old (birthdate: March 22, 1957).
Stephanie Anne Mills .
No. Her last marriage was to Michael Saunders Program Director In Detroit....
Stephanie-Anne Mills plays Lindsay and Katie on Total Drama.
trick question, Stephanie Mills
Stephanie Mills was born on March 22, 1957.
Stephanie Mills is 60 years old (birthdate: March 22, 1957).
Stephanie Anne Mills was born on 1979-03-07.
For the First Time - Stephanie Mills album - was created in 1975.
Jeffrey Daniels
yes stephaine mills has an eight year old son
Never was a man(or a girl)
No they are just good friends.
Stephanie Anne Mills .
No. Her last marriage was to Michael Saunders Program Director In Detroit....