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they are not married!!

ramsey is married to Emelia Philips-Nouah

S.O.: You have a wife?

R.N.: I do.

S.O.: What's your wife's name?

R.N.: Emelia Philips-Nouah.

S.O.: And you have a son? Daughter?

R.N.: A son.

S.O.: What's his name?

R.N.: Quincy Camil Nouah

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13y ago
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13y ago

no, he is not married to Genevieve, but Emelia they just acted together in numerous movies that's why people linked them together

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13y ago

yes they married and that's pissed me off. you know what they better file for divorse that's all.

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10y ago

There is a Ramsey Tokunbo Nouah, Jr., versus Noah Ramsey, Jr., who was born on July 16, 1973. He has not been married to Genevieve Nnaji but he is married to Emelia Philips-Nouah.

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14y ago

no they are not married

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13y ago

Ramsay has never been married to Nnaji.

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They are his family, three sons and their wives, and Noah and his wife.

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