yes they are they have bin since they started to work together when they was 13
they have been dating since last may they dated before they was famous but split up just before they became famous i no this information because tulisa did an artical about it
No they are not related but dappy and tulisa are cousins (by the way it's Fazer not Frazer!) :)
They were going out for over a year so yes.
Tulisa's Real Name Is Actually Tula Contostavlos. But Frazer And Dappy Usually Call Her T For Short. Tho She Likes Her Fans To Call Her Tulisa. I Guess She Don't Really Mind Being Called T... x
Here is my opinion 60% of fans like Dappy 20% Tulisa 20% Faze Some may disagree with my ROUGH percents but Dappy is VERY popular.
No they are not related but dappy and tulisa are cousins (by the way it's Fazer not Frazer!) :)
not anymore,
Fazer and tulisa used to be but aren't anymore
Tulisa's Fiance is called Adam,she is NOT dating Fazer
Dappy And Tulisa Are Cousins Frazer Is Close Friends With Dappy And Tulisa =] Fazer*
yes she is they have been together ages
dappy,Frazer and Tulisa
They were going out for over a year so yes.
Costas Dino Contostavlos Tula Tulisa Contostavlos Richard Rawson
Dappy {Dino}.<3 Tulisa {Tula}.<3 Frazer {Richard}.<3
Most people that know her call her T xx