Looks like Genelia D' Souza to me.
Shruti Pathak was born on 1982-10-27.
Naseeruddin Shah's wife is Ratna Pathak Shah.
Sailajananda Falguni Smriti Mahavidyalaya was created in 1998.
Falguni Pathak was born in 1964.
Falguni Pathak is girl.. Popular Indian singer.
Music by Falguni Pathak can be downloaded many places online. Site such as Amazon, iTunes, Radio Reloaded, and Torrentz all offer downloads of Falguni Pathak's music.
If you are talking about the singer, she is single.
yaad piya ki aane lagi
33 or 34 years old
Looks like Genelia D' Souza to me.
Falguni Roy died in 1981.
Falguni Roy was born in 1945.
Falguni is a feminine name meaning beautiful.