Mae Moreno is 5' 8".
Mavrick Moreno is 5' 7".
as of jan. 2010 rita moreno is still alive
Aixa Moreno died in 1988, in Venezuela of suicide by jumping.
Danilo Moreno Asprilla was born on 1989-01-12.
El Moreno is not a Spanish Fortress. However, it's much different. Actually it is entirely different, El Moreno is a person, not a Spanish Fortress. El Moreno was born on September 30 in the year of 1967. At birth his name was Larry Martinez. Currently he is an impersonator, singer, comedian and actor. He took on the stage name of "El Moreno Michael," he is also often nicknamed the man of a thousand faces. Most likely because of his many talents and personalities, if you want my opinion. If you are searching for the National Monument, i believe the real name of it is: "El Morro." I hope that this explained in detail the answer to your question. :)
David El Moreno was born in Len, in Len, Spain.
El Amor - Azúcar Moreno album - was created in 1994.
Carlos Marti nez Moreno has written: 'El color que el infierno me escondiera' 'El paredon'
Miguel Moreno Galvan has written: 'El Teatro \\'
Enrique Moreno Castillo has written: 'En el rumor del fondo' 'Sobre el sentido de \\'
el es moreno
Ruben Moreno was born on March 29, 1923, in El Paso, Texas, USA.
Edwin Moreno was born July 30, 1980, in El Mojan, Zulia, Venezuela.
Me gusta el chico con el pelo moreno
The cast of El Mar - 2009 includes: Marcela Moreno
a fortress(castle in south america)