through our investigation we have determined that don berlusconi is in fact fabrizio berlusconi. his legal name is fabrizio don-Anthony berlusconi. he goes by don berlusconi or fabrizio berlusconi. he is the natural born son of Italian prime minister silvio berlusconi. fabrizio was born in foligno Italy on July 7,1975.we have further determined that he is a very successful businessman and owns several businesses worldwide. he has homes in Italy, Malibu California, and Switzerland, as well.
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after a research of records in Italy and the united states we have determined that fabrizio don berlusoni, the son of prime minister silvio berlusconi of Italy, was married on November 1,2002 to a vietnamese woman named nga tran from south Vietnam. they were married in Malibu beach California where don berlusconi owns a large home on the ocean. records indicate he was previously married and that wife and their only child got killed in an auto accident near a home he also owns in Switzerland. that accident occured in 1999. his current wife has 2 children by a previous marriage in Vietnam. fabrizio don berlusconi is the only natural son of silvio berlusconi and as such is set to inherit the silvio fortune should his father die. he and his current wife,nga , have homes in Italy,Switzerland, and Malibu Calif. he is also buiding a Hugh gambling and entertainment resort in Vietnam along with his father.
through our research we have found that silvio berlusconi has 3 children by one marriage and 2 children by another marriage. but, he only has one natural child a son, named fabrizio don berlusconi who generally goes by don. don berlusconi is the only natural son of former italian prime minister,and multi billionaire silvio berlusconi. don berlusconi owns several businesses worldwide and has homes in various countries including in malibu beach, california. he was a very successful high profile criminal defense attorney for 16 years when he had his own practice in malibu california. he sold the attorney business and went into family businesses plus ran many other businesses he owns by himself. he is a very intelligent successful man who tells it the way it is. he is a kind hearted person but a very private man and opens up himself or gets close to very few people. he hates the media and has had several runins with media over the years including in london england where a reporter reached out to grap hold of don berlusconi arm while he was walking in order to interview him and when the reporter touched don , than berlusconi, grabed the reporters camera and smashed it on the cement below. he has some reporters he is close to and will answer things for those very few, but he sets close boundries on wht they ask of him, especially if it involves personal or family matters. don berlusconi also is a master of 2 different types of martial arts-muey thai and sambo a russican arts and berlusconi could seriously injury someone if he was forced to protect himself or his family. upon the death of his father, silvio, don will inherit the majority of the berlusconi fortune estimated at about 20-30 billion dollars.
from our research we have just learned that wealthy italian businessman don berlusconi and son of former italian prime minister,silvio berlusconi, is in fact in a relationship with a florida woman. one of our sources in california has just advised us about that relationship. at this time we do not have the details of this relationship or of the woman who he is in a relationship with but our sources are working on getting those details and we will report more as we receive the information, so we may better answer you question to us.
yes, through our investigation silvio berlusconi will be traveling to bakersfield meet up with his son, don berlusconi. they jointly own businesses together in bakersfield cal. and will interview with some national news media outlets there in november.
through extensive research we have found that thang thanh nguyen, a vietnamese born man murdered two individuals in irondepuoit new york state in on 1/26/1992. he fled as a fugitive from that jursidiction. he robbed a vietnamese family owned restaurant which he had previously worked at. during the robbery, his mask sliped from his face and the victims saw who he was. one of the victims died on the way to the hospital,but during the trip was able to identify to police who the shooter was-thang thanh nguyen. the people who were murdered were relatives of a vietnamese girl who worked for fabrizio don berlusconi also know as don berlusconi, the only natural son of italian prime minister silvio berlusconi. when don berlusconi found out about this murder of his employees family members, he immediately posted a $100,000 cash reward for the arrest and conviction of thang thanh nguyen. nguyen fled the jurisdiction of new york and could not be located by authorities. become frustrated with the lack of ability for authorities to locate nguyen, don berlusconi put his security team , who works for him in a cruiseship business he owns, on the job. on 8/3/96 nguyen was added to the f.b.i. most ten wanted people. also, nguyen was featured several times on the american tv program,americas most wanted. berlusconi spend much money and manpower over an extended period of time, when in 1997 his security staff located nguyen as being in bac lieu vietnam . berlusconi than contacted his political contacts in vietnam. don berlusconi has many worldwide political contacts including presidents of some countries, including the country of vietnam where is very close friend nguyen van khai,than president of vietnam, filled berlusconi request to arrest thang thanh nguyen. within 2 hours president nguyen van khai acting on as request from his friend don berlusconi, had military forces surrounding the home in bac lieu where thang thanh nguyen was hiding out at a friends home there. on 12/22/97 nguyen was taken down and arrested and put under heavy guard in a vietnam prison. berlusconi than pulled more political strings and had president nguyen van khai immediatly turn thang nguyen over to thailand government authorities, without even having a proper vietnamese extradiction hearing. berlusconi made the way in thailand for the f.b.i. to pick him up in thailand and just a few days later on 1/6/98 nguyen was brought out of thailand to rochester ny where he stood trial, lost and got a life sentence. berlusconi gave the $100,000 cash reward to the remaining victim familiy