John Clarke played Mickey Horton on Days of our Lives off and on for nearly 40 years. In 2004, he decided to officially retire from acting. Producers of Days of our Lives decided to kill off his character, so his widow Maggie Horton would be open for new love interests.
Saturday Night Live is not currently cancelled at this time.
The show went off the air in 2005, but is repeated on no currently fixed schedule on the UK channels "Real Lives" and "Pick (TV)."
As of January 2011, John Clarke, the actor who played Mickey Horton for several years on Days of our Lives, is still alive. Mr. Clarke announced his retirement from acting in 2004. The writers of DOOL decided to kill his character off so they could create more storylines for Maggie Horton involving a love interest.
Katniss and Peeta were going to break off the alliance the night the careers came to get them
With SoapNet off the air. Has any other station on dish network picked up Days of our Lives?
It was turned off by Andre
No it was turned off by Andre
first of all I need to know WHAT is going off air. before i can answer tht correctly.
Hannah Montana maybe going off of the air after the season finale on January 16,2011. So enjoy it while you can!
No it was turned off by Andre
unplug the air bag fuse