Covert Bailey is a nutritionist who has a degree in Biochemistry from MIT. He wrote books, including one called "Fit or Fat."
He died in an airplane crash
Covert Affairs is only part way through it's second season and it has aired a total of 14 episodes.
No, the actor who plays Auggie (Christopher Gorham) in Covert Affairs is not blind in real life.
Covert Bailey is a nutritionist who has a degree in Biochemistry from MIT. He wrote books, including one called "Fit or Fat."
He died in an airplane crash
Covert Bailey's four food groups of good exercise are aerobics, cross training, wind sprints, and weight lifting.
Health Rider
Roughly in his 70's (although he doesn't look like it!)
she is still alive!
Derek Bailey died on December 25, 2005 at the age of 75.
Yes, he is 74.
Mike Bailey who played Sid on the television show, Skins? No, he is still alive and well.