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Q: Is convicted murderer Edward Post in jail?
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Why was Lloyd garrison put in jail?

He was convicted of writing an article about a ship owner who transported slaves to America as being a murderer and a thief.

Why was William Lloyd Garrison put in jail?

He was convicted of writing an article about a ship owner who transported slaves to America as being a murderer and a thief.

Can a convicted murderer be a guardian of a child?

NO and YES ... the kids will be taken for you as you do your jail time and long after that ... But there have been times when the court has even back the kids to convicted felons after extensive tenements and counseling... and found fit to care for them in a manner fitting for the child...

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Microphone Murderer

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A place where people convicted of crimes are sent?

For those convicted of misdemeanors - jail. For those convicted of felonies - prison.

Why did baby face nelson go to jail?

He was a bank robber and murderer in the 1930s.

If you are convicted of criminal facilitation of burglary will you face jail time?

If you are convicted of ANY CRIME, you could face jail time. Whether you will go to jail depends on other factors than just the commission of that crime.

Why did makhaya go to jail?

He was accused and convicted of rape.

Do old people go to jail?

any and every person convicted of a crime can go to jail ...

How do you use convicted in a complete sentence?

The criminal was convicted of robbery and sentenced to prison for ten years.

What happens when a convicted felon goes back to jail?

They do time.