If you're referring to Classical Music (the period in European classical music from about 1750-1830) then yes. If it's classical music as in the generalised art music then no. If your referring to Classical Civilisation then yes.
The first and third are proper nouns as they refer to specific historical movement and eras respectively; the second is just a generalised term.
Also, Classicism would usuallly be capitalised it was a specific artistic movement in the Eighteenth Century.
the connection between analytical (classical) line and static compositions
A classical accompaniment style based on triads.
no. manga is not a proper noun
possibly classical
It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun. Examples: The 2nd century is considered part of the Classical era. The Second Century Initiative is celebrating its anniversary.
No, seasons are not capitalized.
"Can" is typically not capitalized in sentences unless it is the first word or part of a proper noun.
No it's not capitalized.
No, keywords do not have to be capitalized.
No it shouldn't be capitalized.
Wikipedia is capitalized.
No, it is not capitalized.
Have should be capitalized if it is the beginning of a sentence. Summer should not be capitalized.
yes it is capitalized
No it's not capitalized.