Clarence Greenwood aka Citizen Cope is 48 years old as of June 2016 due to being born on May 20, 1968.
Yes, Lee Greenwood married to Kimberly Payne in 1993
At the time of his death, Kenny was married to Cheri Greenwood Buttrey, to whom he had been married for 20 years.
Clarence Clemons is a Tenor Saxophone player who died at the age of 69. He was a BOSS!
No. Tyne was married to Georg Stanford Brown.
The Clarence Greenwood Recordings was created on 2004-09-14.
Clarence Greenwood aka Citizen Cope is 48 years old as of June 2016 due to being born on May 20, 1968.
No, football player L.C. Greenwood was not married.
Lee Greenwood married to Kimberly Payne in 1993
Yes, Lee Greenwood married to Kimberly Payne in 1993
Citizen Cope's birth name is Clarence Greenwood.
Lee Greenwood married to Kimberly Payne in 1993
Clarence Williams III married to Gloria Foster from 1967 to 1984
Clarence Williams III married to Gloria Foster from 1967 to 1984
Dominique Greenwood AKA Dominique 'Jackson'
Baby girl! She's 2 now!
She isn't married.