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yea.. he made the band.. he is the vocalist

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Q: Is christofer drew in eat me while im hot?
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What makes Christofer Drew hot?

everything about him!!

Where is christofer drew ingles cds?

Nevershoutnever! cd's can be purchased at Hot Topic Stores, or online at

How hott is chris drew?

Very very VERY very VERY hot!!! ... What kind of a question is that? Besides, Christofer Drew doesn't like to hear people say they are *IN* love with him, but he likes hearing that you love him and/or his music. He cut his hair (supposedly with his friends when they were high/drunk) to weed out the fans who liked him only for his looks.

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yes, i did

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Drew Roy is from Alabama.And hes SUPER hot!

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Yes, it is ok if you eat hot chips while on a diet. When dieting, it is important to remember snacks are okay as long as you eat them sparingly.

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I personally think DREW SEELEY IS HHHOOOTTTT!!!! My favorite movie of his is ANOTHER CINDERELLA STORY!! My favorite song is NEW CLASSIC! DREW SEELEY IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS HOT AS FIRE!!

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Is it safe to eat hot peppers while pregnant?

Yes, but you have to be prepared for heartburn after.

Can you eat Hot dogs while on Dialysis?

Ask your doctor.. And I actually Google it and the answer is NO!