Christian Kane and Whitney Duncan re united at the first part of 2011 after what I was told was a year apart. This is from her family and not the web.
The same guy who played the Kane before. Glenn Jacobs????? there was another guy who played the masked Kane back in 2006 on monday night raw but they canceled him. I think this is the same guy from back then. So there is another guy besides Glen who ware the mask of Kane. if you look for Kane vs Kane on you will see that guy did not work out to well Venny canceled him.
He meant if the Undertaker is back
In total drama action they have an on and off relationship but for the most part it appears that Courtney just uses Duncan, and based off that I hope they don't ever full get back together
He comes back episode 13, watch it now on YouTube on tdwtFULLEPISODES channel.
No. His last appearance is in episode 22 of season 2, the last episode of the season, titled "Not Pictured". However, in the series finale, "The Bitch is Back", (the title of this last episode) you see a portrait of Duncan on the wall of the Kane's house.
No, Whitney Houston Is Not Coming Back
Max Jarosz is bringing danity kane back.
yes i do think that Danity Kane are going to get back together
It is a storyline to bring back Kane and his violent ways
hey came back at wrestlemania
I smoked meth with Whitney yesterday.
The Newsboys are a Christian band that was started in 1995 by Peter Furler, Sean Taylor, George Perdikis and John James. The current members are: Michael Tait, Paul Colman (formerly lead singer of Paul Colman Trio), Duncan Phillips and Jeff Frankenstein.
no, but as Kane open the casket to put Rey in the undertaker was in it, and the undertaker try to get back at Kane that didn't work out