Chris Jericho's real name is Christopher Keith Irvine.
Chris Jericho (Christopher Irvine) is 47 years old (birthdate: November 9, 1970).
Cristopher Keith Irvine, the son of Ted Irvine, an NHL legend.
Yes. Jericho's wife is named Jessica Lee Lockhart, with whom he has a son, Ash Edward Irvine (born September 24, 2003) and two daughters, twins Cheyenne Lee Irvine and Sierra Lorreta Irvine (born July 18, 2006)
no chris jericho
Chris Jericho's real name is Christopher Keith Irvine.
Chris Jericho's mom's name is Loretta Vivian Irvine
Chris Jericho Or Chris Irvine does not Have a Brother he is the only Child
Chris Jericho's mom's name is Loretta Vivian Irvine
Chris Jericho's real name is Christopher Keith Irvine.
yeah under the name of Chris Kieth Irvine
Chris Jericho (Christopher Irvine) is 47 years old (birthdate: November 9, 1970).
Chris Irvine is Chris Jericho, and Adam Copeland is Edge :) "no Jericho is called chris irvine, and edge is called something copeland" No edge is wayyyyy better looking then Jericho --- Edge? not really. his body and his hair are nice... but his face ... well, not the best.
Ted Irvine, is a former National Hockey League (NHL) player who is the father of Christopher Keith Irvine (Chris Jericho).
Cristopher Keith Irvine, the son of Ted Irvine, an NHL legend.
Chris Jericho's nickname "Y2J" is just a remake of Y2K (year 2000) when he was kicking off the new year in 2000.