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In the first two seasons, nobody knew for sure. But in the third season, he is dating Helen. So in a nutshell, he likes Helen. Yet some people think he secretly likes Francis and some people write fanfics

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12y ago
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14y ago

Chris Thorndyke is a 12 year old boy who saved Sonic from drowning in his pool. He is the son of famous actor Lindsey Thorndyke and successful business owner Nelson Thorndyke. Due to his parents often being away on business trips and his wealthy background, Chris only has a few friends and is happy when Sonic arrives and introduces his life to multiple adventures.

Chris is generally kind and caring, and willing to do almost anything to help Sonic and his friends. But he does have a selfish side, as shown when he took Sonic away from the portal to his world as he didn't want Sonic to leave but Sonic remaining in the human world would cause both worlds to combine and stop time forever.

Chris is 18 years old in season 3.

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13y ago

Although it is considered unknown by canon, he is highly presumed to be straight.

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