it had good ratings the thing is people were like OMG I HATE THT SHW nd every hate mail i read like "i thought that shw was lame" UR FACE LOOKS LAME lol but ya they cancelled for many reasons my friend told me cause the same person who made chowder made or atleast partispated in making Fish Hooks but i'm not sure if thats the case. Good Rating and Views LOT OF HATERS and mixed emotions from parents. Cartoonnetwork cancelled most of their shows for more space for Reality Shows like OMG DUDE WUT WUD HAPPEN IF I HIT MY HEAD ON THE TABLE and LOOK ITS A HOLE IN THE WALL CALL A CONTRACTOR. but its just my opinion for the reality shows cause there not good anyways
no schnitzel does not hate Chowder, but Chowder does annoy him a lot.
Yes Chowder has parents but they will not show up on the show until Chowder is 18 years old. Mung Daal is his mentor.
Knock knock who's there cham chowder cham chowder who i love cham chowder it's delicious
The last episode is Chowder Grows Up, on August 2010.
Is ferentus coming back?
Actually. it still does come on. But it Rarely does tho.
To fix chowder that has separated, gently reheat it over low heat while stirring constantly to help the ingredients emulsify back together. If the chowder is still too separated, you can try blending it using an immersion blender to help smooth it out. Adding a bit of cream or butter while stirring can also help bring the chowder back together.
To thicken corn chowder effectively, you can mix a small amount of flour or cornstarch with water to create a slurry, then stir it into the chowder while it's simmering. Another option is to blend some of the chowder in a blender and then add it back to the pot to create a thicker consistency.
no schnitzel does not hate Chowder, but Chowder does annoy him a lot.
no chowder is not Chinese
In the show Chowder. The Apprentice name is Chowder
there is to chowder and wormpower
Manhattan chowder
from my house chowder is my DOG
Chowder is the purple, cat-like apprentice in the TV show "Chowder" that aired on Cartoon Network
No. A chowder is a very thick soup.
Nicky Jones plays Chowder.