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Catch-22, the novel, holds several existential theories. There is Dunbar's theory that in order to have a long existence, you must live a life filled with boredom. Dunbar also asserts that the soldiers are very old (even though some are as young as 15 years old) because every time they fly a mission, they are very close to death. ("How much older can you be at your age?") There's the opportunist old man at the brothel who believes that affiliation is meaningless. There's the beauocratic zombieism of Doc Daneeka. Milo Minderbinder's extreme desire for capitalism. Major Major's longing for mediocrity, etc.

Overall, there is the idea that existence stops when your life stops, and that your existence could cease to be very suddenly at any moment. Yossarian is determined to live as long as he can, and every time he goes up into a plane, his only motive is to come back alive. I would also say that it has a very negative existentialism in that it seems to assert that life is filled with very harsh conditions, but it's all you have, so you either make do with the ugliness or cease to be. In some ways, it has an athiest existentialism, rejecting an afterlife.

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What is the theme of groundhog day movie?

His unhappiness was internal, not existential; that it was his values that needed to change, not his circumstances; that he had the power to take the same raw material and fashion a beautiful day.

How many total intelligences did Howard Gardner identify?

Howard Gardner posited nine different types of intelligences. They are, in alphabetical order: Bodily-kinesthetic, Existential, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Musical, Naturalistic, and Spatial.

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Ou sont nos amoureuses - 2006 was released on: France: 10 September 2006 (Medimed Film Festival) France: January 2008 (FIPA Film Festival) USA: 2008 (Womens Film Festival)

How do Gestalt therapy and existential therapy relate to the movie ordinary people?

Well existential therapy deals with analyzing why life is worth living, and the nature behind why life is important, which are the catalysts for how Judd Hircsh employs his Gestalt therapy. Gestalt therapy is all about being present, in the here and now with your client and by using confrontation, uncovering the client's issues. Another component of Gestalt uses an empty chair, or two person chairs, where the client talks with the counselor as though they are another person, or the client pretends to be two different people. Both Techniques are explored in the film. (MAJOR SPOILERS) In one of the counseling scenes Judd Hirsch asks Timothy Hutton, "How are you?" To which Timothy Hutton responds "I'm Fine" to which Judd Hirsch after observing Timothy Hutton's non-verbal cues (another component of Gestalt) says something to the affect of, "No you're not fine you're angry." Timothy Hutton denies his angry by shouting back at him, and finally yells at Judd Hirsch and the truth is revealed. This kind of intervention would be very much in-line with Gestalt therapy. The climax of the movie very touchingly has Timothy Hutton talking with Judd Hirsch who is talking as though he is his dead brother. In this scene, Timothy Hutton finally gets over his survivor's guilt by getting to say all of the unfinished things he wanted to say to his brother and coming to terms with his death and how it affected him. The technique that Judd Hirsch's character employs is very Gestalt.

Concept of nada in Farewell to Arms?

In Ernest Hemingway's novel "A Farewell to Arms," the concept of "nada" represents the protagonist's existential disillusionment and sense of despair in the face of a chaotic and indifferent world. The term "nada" is Spanish for "nothing" and reflects the protagonist's belief that life ultimately lacks meaning or purpose. This nihilistic worldview is reinforced by the novel's themes of loss, futility, and the inevitability of death. Hemingway's exploration of "nada" underscores the novel's overall tone of disillusionment and reflects the broader disillusionment of the post-World War I era.

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