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It is definitely dramatized! (10/13/2011) I just finished watching a case between a wife and husband whose husband brought his wife to court to get custody of their youngest son, as the mother had previously shown her older son at the age of 16 how to masturbate and other sex-related needs that were improper between a mother and a son. She also was wanting to educate the younger son in this way.

I immediately recognized the woman as she had portrayed a wife in another case just last week. In that case her husband was seeking custody of their daughter who had contracted the pappiloma virus after being abused at 6 years of age and now the daughter had tonsillary cancer at age 13, her father proclaiming the mother was irresponsible and inadequate parent. I remember the mother in the first case as she showed "no" emotion on her face when being berated by the judge for what she had done and as the judge gave custody to her husband, no tears, no emotion, no remorse.

This woman played the wife in both cases. My advise to Caso Cerrado....if you are going to portray a case by putting actors on stage, at least have the decency to post a declaration of this and be truthful about your deception. You don't know whether actors will be on the street, be remembered by those who saw the show and be treated with disdain or hate or disgust for whom they portrayed on the show as many believe it is real....when it actually staged! Too many times a convenient video is there that is unbelievable and to real to be true because it is not true, it is fake! It is all a show!! Is she really a judge, yes a joke!

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12y ago

Both. Some people prefer not to be seen on camera for shame they carry so they will at times find actors to dramatize real cases. So yes, you may see a person once or twice. Other times the people do consent to be on camera. So you get real deal. But let me tell you. Most of the case has been resolve before it's on camera.

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12y ago

no, it's not fake but it's well dramatized and, the surprises ...... most of the times are not surprises at all.

Come on guys, it's a TV show and that's the way it has to be prepared and so broadcast.

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