Bishop Clarence McClendon is not married. He divorced his ex wife who is called Tammera McClendon. Clarence has been preaching since the age of 15.
A former or present wife of Bishop Clarence McClendon
Reiley McClendon is 21 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1990).
No, he is married to Kristen Moore.
Clarence Burke's birth name is Clarence Edward Burke Jr..
Clarence Rice was born on January 24, 1981, in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
A former or present wife of Bishop Clarence McClendon
No. Bishop McClendon was never on house arrest.
Bishop Clarence E. McClendon has been married twice. His first wife's name was Tammera, and they had four children. His current wife's name is Tessa Marie Maxwell.
Yes, Bishop Gregory Davis is divorced.
He is divorced.
Clarence Richard Silva (Bishop of Honolulu) is 68 years old (birthdate: August 6, 1949).
He's in his 70's and lives in Detroit with his wife
There is no listed information on when Bishop David G Evans was divorced, only confirmation that he was divorced. He keeps his personal life private. Bishop David G. Evans is the Senior Pastor at Bethany Baptist Church in Lindenwold, New Jersey.
No...he was married but now he's divorced.
Lloyd McClendon's birth name is Lloyd Glenn McClendon.
Skip McClendon's birth name is Kenneth Christopher McClendon.