Barney is not truly real it's just a man in a costume. Some celebrity's were in Barney like Selena Gomez, Demi Lavoto, and Debby Ryan if you were wondering.
im not sure what that guys talking about but barney is real! I know this because hes my boyfriend!Carey Stinson wears the Barney costume and Dean Wendt does the voice of Barney as of 2001.
Barney signed his name Barney Fife MD but MD stands for Mayberry Deputy not DR.
No, Barney says, "Superdy Duper".
on episode 2
The guy in the costume! He was Barney...but not the voice!
Barney is technically not fake, because a person used to play Barney, but he is just a main character in a show. Barney may be based on a real animal[not sure which]. Barney seems to just be a person with a weird voice, dressed in a giant costume. No actual talking animals could ever not fake. Hope that answers your question.
Barney is not real. Therefore, he has no sexual orientation.The man's sexual orientation, who plays Barney, is unknown. It is a private matter either way, so don't be so concerned.
You cannot kill Barney, as he is a fictional character. However, if Barney were a real person, you would go to prison if you were to kill him.
Brian Eppes plays Michael on Barney and Friends.
Oliver Barney, but he calls himself Oliver Charles Barney the Great
Barney Irwin
Nothing. Barney is not real and only exists on TV, so children could watch reruns of the show.
It's Neil Patrick Harris.
actually it's just a cartoon he is not there in real