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i doubt it mate!

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11y ago

No - they are not related.

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Q: Is andie mcdowell related to roddy mcdowell?
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I believe not.

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Who played Octavian in 1963 movie Cleopatra?

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Bill Murray and Andie McDowell starred in Groundhog's Day.

The TV series lanet Of The Apes starring Roddy McDowell was set in what year?

(August 19,) 1980 .

What was Roddy McDowell's sexual orientation?

Hetero. He has been married 3 times and has 7 children.

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What former child star from the Lassie movie went to play the compassionate Dr Cornelius in the Planet of the Apes movies?

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Is Andy McDowell still engaged?

HEY!!!! My name is Andy McDowell, I googled my name and found this. I am not engaged the actress' name is spelled andie macdowell Mine too so whilst I'm here why not go to and take a look at a real cool idea

What is the name of the movie with Roddy McDowell from 60sor 70s where everyone lives off a little pill until the main character finds out the little pills are don't want to spoil it?

Roddy McDowell is not in it, but the description closely matches "Soylent Green" (1973). Stars Charlton Heston, Edward G. Robinson, Leigh Taylor-Young, Chuck Connors, Joseph Cotten, Brock Peters.