She did have a husband, but they are now divorced. He had an affair with one of her friends!
Alesha Dixon is a Christian-Protestant
She does not have one she is single.
Alesha Dixon has 5 dogs
no alesha dixon does not smoke however she would do it but she knowns that it will ruin her career!
AleshaAnjanette Dixon
Alesha Dixon's birth name is Alesha Anjanette Dixon.
Alesha Dixon is a Christian-Protestant
She does not have one she is single.
Alesha Dixon was born on October 7, 1978.
Alesha Dixon Alesha Dixon
Alesha Dixon has 5 dogs
no alesha dixon does not smoke however she would do it but she knowns that it will ruin her career!
AleshaAnjanette Dixon
alesha dixon became a pop star at the age of 18
The Entertainer - Alesha Dixon album - was created on 2010-11-29.
Alesha mum is a british and the father is a Jamaican
Alesha Dixon (5ft 6.5in) Source: no shes 5ft 9in her feet are size 8 (uk)