they are related because they have the same last name they are cousins.
No, they are not related.
The Jellybaby. I don't think there is a single Baker episode that doesn't show them.
Tom Baker (born January 20, 1934 in Liverpool) is an English actor who is best known for his role as the Fourth Doctor in the science fiction television series Doctor Who - a role which he played between 1974 and 1981.
30 ft
No, they are not related.
Chris Eccleston Tom Baker William Hartnell Colin Baker
Normally it is your opinion on who was the most interesting, but most people's favourite Doctor was the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker). Many people also liked the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant). The least likeable Doctor was the Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker (Not at all related with Tom Baker in any way)).
Tom Baker, 1974-81
Tom Baker was born on January 20, 1934.
Tom Baker was born on January 20, 1934.
Tom Baker - priest - was born in 1920.
Tom Baker - priest - died in 2000.
No, Tom Baker wasn't in The Golden Compass
No, Tom Baker was raised Catholic but lived his life as an Atheist.
# William Hartnell # Patrick Troughton # Jon Pertwee # Tom Baker # Peter Davison # Colin Baker # Sylvester McCoy # Paul McGann # Christopher Eccolsten # David Tennant