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Q: Is Tom Everett Scott the son of George C Scott?
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I am his son and I can easily answer that "NO" 95% blood test results meant nothing in1981

Did George C Scott have a son named George D Scott Jr?

George C Scott did NOT have a biological son named George. He and wife Trish Van Devere had one bio son, actor Campbell Scott. TRISH'S BROTHER GEO. DRESSEL HAD SON George Jr., WHOM THE SCOTTS ADOPTED and named GEORGE D. [DRESSEL] SCOTT Jr.

What does the C stand for in George C Scott's name?

it stands for Campbell, same as his son.

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Andrew George Scott (Captain Moonlight, the Australian bushranger) was born In Ireland, son of an Anglican minister, and was baptized on 5 July, 1842.

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My grandmother Ida Matthews Scott, is the daugther of James matthews, who is the son of George Matthews. My mother Rosa m. Scott Taylor, is the daugther of Ida matthews Scott, and my name is Ronald white.

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Peter Markham Scott was the son of Captain Scott and his wife, Kathleen.

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Yes according ti reliable sources within circles connected to early ac/dc and bon Scott's real family.. certain fans have claimed different but this has been shown to have no reliable sources

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