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I read a biography of Timothy somewhere on the net (?) a couple of years ago that stated that he was one-quarter American Indian (don't remember what tribe). Haven't been able to find that biography lately, so don't know if this is true or not. He certainly ties himself to the Indian heritage with his custom-made beaded guitar straps and hair; and in his "Boys Night Out" video he was wearing a long feather-type earring. He has classic Indian bone structure in his brow and cheekbones. Also looked so young for so long, you would have thought he was never going to age; but once he hit 60 he suddenly looked much, much older (another American Indian trait). Timothy will always be beautiful to me, but I sat in the front row of the Eagles concert in Indianapolis March 22nd, right dead in front of him, and was blown away by how much he had seemingly suddenly aged! His facial makeup was really overdone in the hollows of his cheeks at the beginning of the concert, which looked horrible; but after the first break it seemed toned way down, but his age still showed strikingly. I hope someone out there reads this "indian descent" question and knows the answer and more information. I am really curious.

Timothy's father is part Chilean and part Mexican

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